Batteries harnesses cables electrical systems

isoregister new

Model ABPS

The Advanced Battery Processing System (ABPS) family of chargers is the most recent in our family of electronic support equipment. Modular, flexibleModel ABPS silver zinc battery charger, reliable and inherently silver zinc aware, these chargers allow for easy adaptation to any silver zinc battery application. This family of chargers has demonstrated its reliability during its recent years of field operation and has dramatically reduced manpower costs associated with battery handling. Flexibility is exemplified by the ease in which operational procedures can be modified on a real time basis without programming knowledge. Its modular nature is demonstrated by the ease in which the number of stations can be changed to suit customer requirements. Charge cut-off is accomplished on an individual cell basis utilizing one active shunt regulator per cell This method ensures repeatable and fully programmable individual cell cut-offs without any battery handling, manual cell jumpering or disassembly. Depending on need, the charger can be modified to incorporate a discharge capability.


Technical Specifications

  • Constant current charge rates supported from 0.1 to 10 amps
  • Active electronic shunt circuitry to allow for individual cell cut-offs when specified end of charge voltages are achieved
  • 4.5 digits of resolutions for A/D conversions
  • Accuracy of better than 0.5% on all readings
  • Full battery scans are accomplished in under 3 seconds regardless of the number of the cells per battery
  • User-friendly Windows-based software
  • Fully user programmable
  • Able to support export of data to Microsoft Excel
  • Graphical display of captured data displayed on screen as well as hard copy
  • Multiple Watchdog timers for fail-safe operation
  • Full check-pointing in case of power failure
  • Produces aerospace quality documentation packages