Batteries harnesses cables electrical systems

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About BST

BST Systems, Inc. is a successful, engineering oriented, high-technology business, dedicated to the design, development and manufacture of high-energy alkaline electrochemical cells, batteries and support electronic equipment. Established in January 1983, BST has specialized in the manufacture of rechargeable silver-zinc cells and batteries. Currently BST is expanding the Company's focus to include other battery chemistries, including lithium ion, as well as various associated products. BST is continuing to expand its Research & Development department and is conducting R&D in a number of electro-chemistries, including silver zinc improvement. The Company is located in Plainfield, Connecticut, USA and operates in a modern, company-owned facility totaling approximately 27,000 square feet. BST Systems, Inc. is a "technically based" organization that emphasizes innovation and creativity with an emphasis on Quality First. The Quality Assurance program is compliant with AS 9100, ISO 9001, DOD’s MIL-Q-9858A and NASA’s NHB5300.4(IC).

BST Systems, Inc. management can be described as a combination of horizontal and vertical with emphasis on the horizontal in basic style and philosophy. Senior and mid level managers are considered working managers and are fully committed to a hands-on, total quality management approach. This attitude, actively displayed in daily efforts, has instilled the total quality philosophy throughout the work force. This company-wide philosophy and commitment to excellence has in turn created a work force that is capable and responsive. Within its team concept BST Systems has successfully retained and integrated the strengths and control aspects associated with the traditional vertical management structure as it relates to authority, responsibility and communications.

bst flyer

BST Systems is honored to be the recipient of the following awards:

ULA Small Business Excellence Award 2015
Congressional Recognition for Novel Methods to Improve Performance of Silver-Zinc Batteries 2013
USA Spaceflight Awareness Supplier Award 2008
NASA Special Recognition Award for Extraordinary Technical Achievement 2002
USA Certificate of Appreciation 2000
Boeing Mission Assurance Review Compliance 2000
U.S. Small Business Administration Small Business Person of the Year - CT 1999
NASA George M. Low Award for Quality and Excellence 1998
Mars Pathfinder Group Achievement Award 1997
NASA/New England Commitment to Excellence Award 1997
U.S. Small Business Administration Advocate of the Year 1997
UTC/USBI/NASA Certificate of Appreciation 1995
NASA/New England Commitment to Excellence Award 1995
U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator's Award for Excellence 1994
NASA Minority Subcontractor of the Year 1994
UTC/USBI Manned Flight Awareness 1994
McDonnell Douglas Delta II Certificate of Appreciation 1993
NASA Manned Flight Awareness Team Award 1992
UTC/USBI Certificate of Appreciation 1992
U.S. SBA Hartford District Minority Small Business Person of the Year 1990
U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator's Award for Excellence 1990
U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator's Award for Excellence 1989